Academic researchers from different fields of study work together with European and non-European artists on the identification and practice of new strategies, methodologies and tools, such as ethnographic research, interviews and focus group, enquiries, and urban mapping, in two main areas of interest:
- artistic work in intercultural context
- development of participatory processes involving participants and local communities.
Academic knowledge and artistic practice support each other in the creation of new contexts for the relationship and meeting of people with different cultural backgrounds, thus encouraging integration of newcomers within local communities.
Starting from key issues related to the plurality and the coexistence of different cultures, researchers reflect on how they can cooperate with cultural and creative practitioners and artists in order to encourage inte(g)ration between citizens and newcomers - migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.
The wide main question of the action-research is: How is it possible to foster inclusion through a different language, new communicative spaces and alternative social relationships? Depending on the specificity of each partner country, the question can be shaped in a different way.
Another level of the research here focuses on what is at stake when, in the same space, participants are asked to critically challenge their own perceptions of migration and citizenship by acting out alternative behaviours. Regardless of their transitory nature, in fact, such alternative attitudes are expected to evoke transformative resonances in participants even long after the related activities have been completed. In particular, working on the intersection between research and performance acts as an innovative way to involve migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and citizens in common experiences and creative work.
As a result, the Academic Network here intends to:
- analyse each partner socio-economic, cultural and political context in order to compare different territories and understand the environments in which the artistic work takes place,
- undertake an action-research in each territory, with the aim to understand the role of performing arts in challenging social exclusion, with a focus on intercultural relationships in public space,
- develop an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, in collaboration with cultural organizations, associations, informal groups and the other social actors involved in the project,
- co-construct knowledge about migration, social integration, arts and intercultural relationships through mixed methodologies and innovative methodological tools,
- participate in the organization of the actions proposed by Atlas of Transitions, such as international Festivals, Summer School and other knowledge exchange events,
- disseminate the results of the action-research at a national and international level by adopting specific and innovative dissemination tools.