

The action-research develops an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach in order to promote knowledge co-construction and actions co-production. Each academic partner employs specific methodologies on the basis of the projects developed by local actors, with the aim to improve the connection between actions and scientific research. In this perspective, qualitative and quantitative assessment of the data processing is fundamental whilst innovative methodological tools are used.

Researchers’ observation concerns:

  • how actors work can challenge the mainstream narrative of migration in practice;
  • how they deconstruct and transform the traditional repertoires of categories such as belonging and citizenship;
  • how their participatory art promotes a strategy of emancipation that enables those who are commonly considered dangerous to speak up and be heard in the local and wider public sphere;
  • qualitative and quantitative impacts of participatory art on local territories, such as the enhancement of good governance and the promotion of social capital, empowerment and social inclusion.



A context analysis will be held for each country and specific area in order to better understand the political and socio-economic situation as well as other aspects concerning migration, arts and culture. The main aim of the context analysis is to compare the socio-economic, cultural and political context where each partner will develop the collaborative action-research.



The collaborative action-research will reflect on how subjects can cooperate with cultural and creative practitioners and artists to encourage inte(g)ration between citizens and newcomers (migrants, refugees…), adopting an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach



During fieldwork, we will collect data through interviews, in order to monitor the learning progress and we will measure some qualitative impacts of artistic activities such as the creation of social capital, empowerment and social inclusion. The interview will be conducted both with artists and audience, in order to develop a complex knowledge about the phenomenon.



Specific focus groups will be organized with the aim to understand reflections and attitudes that specific groups of subjects (e.g.: artists, audience, youngsters, etc.) have in relation to migration and, on a second level, about the role of arts in promoting intercultural social relations.



Participant observations will be related to all kinds of activities developed by the partners (workshops, laboratories, festivals, cultural events, performances, etc.).



The quantitative data will focus on the perception scores of specific qualities of events/meetings/workshops. After a first pilot test aimed at revising or change the questionnaire for the sample, we will administer the questionnaires to explore the perceptions and evaluations of participants. Specifically, two surveys are planned. The first survey will be focused on the workshops\artistic activities\laboratories. The second one will be carried out for the international festivals.



Working in the intersection between research and performance, researchers will observe innovative ways to involve asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and citizens, while documenting the whole project step by step and participating to the activities. Some examples will be the development of a sound/music exhibition showing migrants’; theatre as a reflexive tool, etc.).



In collaboration with experts, urban mapping aims at approaching the existing social and cultural diversity through everyday realities (which are simultaneously local and global) and through its spatial aspects. As public space entails and spatializes exclusions and power-relations embedded in the broader society, researchers will explore other spaces and spatial notions, such as that of home, spaces of belonging, spaces of exclusion and spaces of conviviality.