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A.T.K. – Albanian Theatre Association
Backa Teater
Cantieri Meticci
DC&J Création
Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Le Channel Scène Nationale
Motus Terrae
Powszechny Theatre
Théâtre de Liège
Tjeter Vizion Ngo
University of Bologna
The project Atlas of Transitions ended in December 2020. This exciting three-year adventure produced 63 intercultural workshops, 14 new interdisciplinary productions between theater, film, dance, storytelling and visual arts, 10 festivals and action-research experiences thanks to the collaboration of cultural institutions and universities in seven European countries.
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What is the role of performing arts in challenging the dominant narratives and imaginary on migration? And, specifically, how can performing arts support diversity in European cities? Through different research and curatorial experiences lead along Atlas of Transitions project, the volume offers new insights on the ways in which artistic practices build spaces of resistance, forms of subversion, and counter-hegemonic discourses on migration.
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Which relations and practices can be interwoven between the artistic field and academic research? How they mutually nurture themselves? Our French partner, Le Channel Scène National De Calais, in collaboration with the University of Lille, has tried to answer some of these questions. The results are collected in the new issued paperwork - Porositès - which investigates concept as caring, shelter, exile, and borders. Check it out!
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The docu-Film Monuments of Conflict & Convergence by Motus Terrae, has just been released. Discover more about Lavrio city identity, its history and people migration stories. Watch it here or visit Atlas of Transitions' YouTube channel.
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The first chapter of "Atlas of Ghosts – Directing notes for The Nigger of the 'Narcissus" is out! halfway between a directing notebook and a visual essay, Pietro Floridia and Sara Pour has turned actor cases, stories and instances into images composing an editing board, to compare or contaminate distant fields. The whole book will be published soon.
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Our project partner from Greece, Motus Terrae, never stops, even under recurrent lockdowns and the continuous restrictions of the last period. They are preparing a short film through which the viewers will get to know the concept and the creative process and meet the local people involved in what could have been a site-specific creation. Stay tuned to discover this amazing journey!
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Something great is coming up in December 2020 at Bologna! The fourth and last edition of Atlas Of Transitions Biennale - We The People comes finally to life and will focus on the urgency of setting up a politics of listening, based on the right of all to be heard.
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Which are the key factors of the Audience development? A process, able to enlarge and diversify the public, producing an improvement of the conditions of fruition. Martina Tani has explored the meaning of “active audience” through the analysis of the festivals Right to the City (2018) and Home (2019), organized in Bologna.
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From June 16th to 20th 2020, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Sociology and Business Law Department of the University of Bologna and Cantieri Meticci promote Performing Resistance. A series of online talks, lectures and meetings feautring scholars, curators and international artists aimed at exploring the relationship between arts, migrations and citizenship. Find out how to participate!
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Imagine your vocal expression as a form of tuning into the initial notes of MAGNITUDO. The mosaic of moods, affections, emotional states translated into sound, an acoustic image capable of including everyone's voices. We are looking for you artistic act of resistance. Find out how to join us!
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Imagine a giant urban chorus. Imagine the energy of a common vibration coming from different directions of the city. Imagine being part of a temporary community aimed at the creation of an extraordinary public event. A new opportunity for singing and music enthusiasts is coming to Bologna! It's called "Magnitudo, a collective act of voicing", and workshops start in April 2020. Find out how to join!
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If you wish to take part in an interdisciplinary artistic undertaking and learn some Polish along the way (or improve your communication skills in this language), meet new people, and learn about new forms of expression through art, feel invited to participate in "EXILE WARSAW 2020", a new multicultural project by Strefa WolnoSłowa.
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From 9th to 14th June 2020, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, University of Bologna and Cantieri Meticci will host the International Summer School "Performing arts and migration. Theories and practices for inclusive societies" at Arena del Sole Theatre in Bologna (Italy).  The call for applications is open!
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Between December 4th and 10th, the Italian performing arts theorist, curator and dramaturge Piersandra Di Matteo (Atlas of Transitions curator for Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione) will be in Brazil by the invitation of the MITsp Sao Paulo International Theatre Festival to attend the 2º Performing Arts Curator Meeting.
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The 2nd partners' exchange meeting took place at Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw from 26th to 29th October 2019, with the participation of theatre directors, curators, artists and scholars from all partner countries. Three days to talk about the completed and future activities. Active sessions with presentations, feedbacks, discussions and also performances!
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We are happy to announce the Atlas of Transitions project was selected as part of the Europe in My Region postcard contest. As a award, one of the photos submitted was chosen and printed on 300 promotional postcards. Have a look!
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The RESPOND project welcomes applications for a digital art exhibition, which will be organised in Sweden, Germany and the UK. 'Displaced Bodies and Hearts' aims to exhibit work dealing with the sufferings and hopes of people on the move due to forced displacement.
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Powszechny Theatre is planning a special action for World Refugee Day with the Refugee Flag designed by Syrian artist Yara Said. This annual celebration is held every year in Europe on 20th June. It is a special day dedicated to raise awareness in the public debate and show solidarity towards forcibly displaced people in search of security and better living conditions. 
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Read more about the key theme of discussion that will accompany the participants during the whole 'Politics of refuge' research seminar taking place during the 'A Taste of the Other' cultural event at Le Channel Scène Nationale de Calais from 24 to 26th May 2019.
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What to see and where to meet in May? Explore a busy month schedule ahead for Atlas of Transitions and its partners around European cities, from South to North. Two multidisciplinary festivals, final workshop presentations, participation at the Sabir festival of mediterranean cultures in Lecce...
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Melissa Moralli, researcher for Atlas of Transitions, is now doing a period of visiting scholarship at the Institute of Public Knowledge of New York University, where she presented the project on May 1st. During her visit, she is attending different seminars and events on topics such as International migration, borders, political role of arts, cultural diversity.
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Invitation to participate in 'Ce Jour-là (That Day)', an artistic proposal in collaboration with Cantieri Meticci and Motus Terrae that will unfold in May 2019 during the event 'La saveur de l’autre (A Taste of the Other)' at le Channel Scène Nationale in Calais.  This theatrical and visual piece is to be built around the multitude of sensibilities and perspectives of all those who wish to express themselves through the written word.
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Bologna's international arts festival Atlas of Transitions Biennial | HOME (1-10th March) opens today with the participation of cuban artist and activist Tania Bruguera, who will present her special artistic projects realised in this occasion: the interactive urban performance 'Referendum' and 'School of Integration', a series of 10 lessons conducted by members of community of foreigners living in Bologna.
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Call for applications for 'Speaking from Damascus' , a 5-days drama masterclass conducted by Nanda Mohammad. How can an European actor inhabit the speech of another one who is living in Damascus? Syrian actress Nanda Mohammad will conduct a masterclass addressed to eight actors and performers that focuses on voice, the sound of language and the expression of affection.
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-- CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ACADEMICS AND ARTISTS -- in the frame of the International Conference "A World in Transition: In-Between Performative Arts and Migrations" to be held on 7th March 2019, during the Atlas of Transitions Biennale in Bologna.
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From 24th-30th October, more than 100 authors, artists, intellectuals and citizens will take the stages of 9 Italian cities during crowd-funding events to support the Italian-flagged 'Mare Jonio' rescue vessel. In Bologna, Arena del Sole Theatre will host a collective reading on October 25th.
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This autumn marks the 20th edition of Skampa International Theatre Festival (17th October-22nd October 2018), organized this year in the frame of Atlas of Transitions by A.T.K (Albanian Theatre Association) in partnership with Tjeter Vizion NGO, with the support of the Municipality of Elbasan and the Ministry of Culture.
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Four of the videos recorded during the workshop ‘Atlante - location scouting for a documentary film’, by ZimmerFrei, have just been released. Watch them here or visit Atlas of Transitions' YouTube webpage.
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Have a look at the latest activities developed and conducted by the partners of Atlas of Transitions in Italy, Poland, France, and Sweden - waiting for the coming autumn. Illustration by Saeide Pourmohammadhajiagha.
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06.20.2018 - WORLD REFUGEE DAY in Bologna, Italy. During the Atlas of Transitions Biennial, Right to the City | Diritto alla città (15 - 24 June), Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione and the Department of Sociology and Business Law of the University of Bologna will present special initiatives to celebrate the Day.
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06.20.2018 - WORLD REFUGEE DAY in Warsaw, Poland, at Powszechny Theatre. During the Art and Society Festival Happy City 2018 (20 June - 1 July), Powszechny Theatre will display the refugee flag, which was designed by the Syrian artist Yara Said for Amnesty International to mark the participation of the first ever refugee team in the 2016 Olympics.
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Powszechny Theatre, in collaboration with Atlas of Transitions, focuses the third edition of the Happy City festival (20th June - 1st July) on migration, humanitarian crisis, intolerance towards refugees and growing nationalism. Picture by Natalia Kabanow.
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Alessandro Carboni is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher and he is now inviting all the people living in Bologna and interested in exploring urban space through their body to participate in his free six-day workshop (1st - 6th June 2018).
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Cantieri Meticci’s philosophy and methodology for the integration of migrants and newcomers within local communities through artistic performance is at the core of the Atlas of Transitions project. Pierluigi Musarò's research investigates the work of Cantieri Meticci as a case study and findings have been discussed at LSE, London.
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Creative activities such as collective workshops and performances are currently running across Poland, Italy, and Belgium, partner countries of Atlas of Transitions. Visit the 'Activities' section to read more about each project.
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---CALL FOR PAPERS--- We invite scholars, experts and practitioners in integration processes and arts to submit 1,000 word essays, accompanied by 1-2 pictures representing artistic activities and/or artefacts, to be published on Atlas of Transitions' and Open Migration's websites.
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The web based multi-ethnic roster, Soundroutes Booking Agency, gives visibility to refugees and migrant musicians. The initiative, which promotes migrant performance in theaters, festivals, concert halls and music programmes, is financed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission in the framework of the 'Creative Europe programme'.
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Atlas of Transitions is interested in sharing information about the international projects that support creative and collaborative methods for the integration of migrants within local communities. migART is an open-access repository that we are glad to present here.
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The project 'Atlas of Transitions' will be presented to scholars and researchers during the conference 'Theatre Between Politics and Policies: New Challenges', 23-24 March, Belgrade, Serbia. Case study in Pierluigi Musarò's and Melissa Moralli's presentation will be the participatory theatre performed by Cantieri Meticci.
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On Saturday 17th March 2018, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione and Nicolò Gugliuzza have launched Atlas of Transitions' Poetry Slam workshop in Bologna, Italy. Up to the end of May, young participants from Bangladesh, Peru, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau and Italy will be learning how to 'slam' each other through poetry - the contest on 16th June.
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Our associated-partner Studio Emad Eddin Foundation in Egypt is the main supporter and partner of Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival, D-CAF, which will be held in Downtown Cairo from 8th to 29th March.
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Atlante, location scouting for a documentary film, is the new free workshop by ZimmerFrei that involves young people with different backgrounds in the exploration of the urban territory - in search for stories.
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Isabel Cuesta Camacho develops a discourse around colonialism and its role within the current scenario of migration from African countries towards Europe in our Focus section.
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Go to the In Depth section to read about the work and the world of the artists involved in Atlas of Transitions - and much more.
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