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A.T.K. – Albanian Theatre Association
Backa Teater
Cantieri Meticci
DC&J Création
Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Le Channel Scène Nationale
Motus Terrae
Powszechny Theatre
Théâtre de Liège
Tjeter Vizion Ngo
University of Bologna

Performing Resistance | Dialogues on Arts, Migration, Inclusive cities

From June 16th to 20th 2020, Performing Resistance, a series of online talks, lectures and meetings featuring scholars, curators and international artists aimed at exploring the relationship between arts, migrations and citizenship, has virtually taken place. If you missed some live sessions, here all the lecture recordings are at your free and complete disposal. Check it out!
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Transforming places into narratives

Film director Anna de Manincor talks about ZimmerFrei's work during the last phase of the storytelling workshops and production of the "Saga" documentary film series to be released in June 2020.
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Women poetry: revealing unspoken struggles

Antonella Sinopoli and Gabriele Lippi talked to Ugandan spoken word poet Carolyne Afroetry about the creative process behind her work and the condition of women in Uganda.
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The state of weightlessness of migrant caregivers in Italy

The suspended world of Samantha Cristoforetti and the burden to bear of an elderly care giver, far away from her home country. Weight and the absence of gravity, the two faces of the same coin that Estonian artist Kristina Norman is trying to fathom with her new docu-performance 'Lighter Than Woman', presented for the first time in July 2019 at Santarcangelo Festival. What follows from talking about feminine emancipation in Italy? And how do “badanti” - socially invisible figures – appear in an Italian contest?
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Mano a Mano, the Great Hands Collection

It is said that drawing is relaxing. It is also said that the palm lines trace a map of our interior landscape, revealing its path, its destiny. What do we see in them? Mano a Mano by French artist Momette is a graphical and poetic concept for all of us. It is an invitation to a peaceful walk in the palm of our hand, in the country of the soul, with a pencil as a substitute to the walking stick... Discover its evolution since December 2018.
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School of Integration by Tania Bruguera

In March 2019, Cuban artist and activist Tania Bruguera put migration and art as a political act at the center of discussion when coming to Bologna to present two special projects during the ten days of Atlas of Transitions Biennial “HOME”. Read about School of Integration and how the 10 lessons conducted by the communities of foreigners residing in Bologna contributed to bringing people of diverse cultures together.
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Atlas Voices #5 Heritage as fantasy and the performative construction of the asylum seeker

The asylum bill is a governmental act, it is a text that is sanctioned by the Swedish government and implements political power. In other terms: whoever is in need for asylum in Sweden have no other choice but to follow the regulations laid down by the government. Read the contribution submitted by Jo-Ann Lindskog from Sweden for 'Atlas Voices'.
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Reframing Migration: book launch and exhibition

In the introduction of her book, Federica Mazzara underlines the importance of arts in challenging contemporary narratives about migration, de-constructing a visibility often based on the rhetoric of the emergency and the invasion and re-constructing alternative imaginaries through aesthetic interventions.
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Sortir du Noir: Who will remember them?

These men and women (...) abandoned to the sea and the riverbeds, washed up on shores, trapped between walls and barbed-wire, hit by trucks, electrocuted between the wagons of the trains... who will remember them? Find out more about 'Sortir du Noir', an image and sound performance created by Mary Jimenez and Bénédicte Liénard...
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Atlas Voices #4 - Performance as a space to voice a silent migration

Visual artist and director Alessio Mazzaro tells about his artistic practices and the performance "Mellah", a project created during a residency at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. A symbolic, intimate and common space where the private memory of Moroccan Jews who emigrated to Paris was activated and shared in collective live archive. Do you remember the Mellah? Why did you leave Morocco? Why did you come to France?
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Adel Darwish on Hierarchy of Needs

Adel Darwish, playwright and actor in Backa Teater's new production 'Hierarchy of Needs' shares his thoughts on the performance and the theory on the Hierarchy of needs.
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Atlas Voices #3 - Lampedusa's Psychogeographies

During a visit to Loran - a former NATO base on the island of Lampedusa - Academy of Finland Fellow Dr. Karina Horsti interrogates herself on the experience of spaces through racialized politics of exploration. The abandoned two-story ex-military base speaks to the merger of humanitarian and securitized rationales in the border regime. What would such places mean for future generations of Europeans seeking their pasts?
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Performing metaphors into a physical space

In this article published by Media@LSE Pierluigi Musarò explores how the theatrical metaphor of cosmopolitan solidarity is challenged by the physical proximity of the ‘other’. It specifically analyzes how Cantieri Meticci use participatory theatre to resist, rework, or disrupt the lines between possible and ‘impossible citizens’...
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Atlas Voices #2 - Ruhrorter Refugee Theatre

Ruhrorter, a Refugee Theatre in Germany: Artistic Reflection on Otherness' is the contribution submitted by Özlem Canyürek, a PhD candidate at Hildesheim University, Department of Cultural Policy in Germany. She examines the intercultural opening of the German theatre landscape. 
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Intercultural theatre at the library

Situated in the Navile district of Bologna, the 'Casa di Khaoula Library', is the first venue reactivated this year with an inaugural meeting of the Cantieri Meticci 'eMerging Theatre Companies', during which the discussion about the major themes of interest - introduced before the summer break -  is being continued.
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Atlas Voices #1 - Humanizing Visualizations

Following the call for papers announced last spring, Atlas of Transitions presents “Humanizing Refugee Information Visualizations”, a work submitted by Maria Assami from Boston. This paper develops a new approach to humanitarian communication by putting the focus on Syrian refugees' points of view, in order to reframe the issues of conflict and reducing the struggles linked to their resettlement.
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Motus Terrae in Lavrion

In Greece, the co-existence of diverse social groups and stories shapes the multicultural town of Lavrion. Here, Motus Terrae has settled its field of action, since the place has an immense historical and cultural significance.
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Confrontations with reality

In this interview as well as in the show she directed, 'Lawrence of Arabia', Weronika Szczawinska talks about identity issues, cultural misunderstandings and the current situation of migrants and refugees in Poland to face the way 'the other’ is portrayed in theatre.
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Poetry on the move

The interview with the slammer Nicolò Gugliuzza here explores how poetry slam can take part in the inclusion process of migrants and asylum seekers and highlights how different languages within a common creative environment can actually help people meet and understand each other (here, 'STepping into tomorrow' by Nicolò Gugliuzza).
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Anna Raimondo and the radio creatures

The radio artist Anna Raimondo talks about the experience of visibility and invisibility while living in a conditions of clandestinity in Bologna and the intentions behind her mixed performance '(In)visible Radio Creatures#2_happening radiofonico transgeografico', which will be presented during the first festival of Atlas of Transitions (here, picture by Konstancja Dunin-Wasowicz).
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Taoufiq Izeddiou's contemporary dance

Taoufiq Izeddiou conducts the workshops preparing the collective performance, '100 pas presque', that will be presented during 'Right to the City', the first international festival of Atlas of Transitions. In this interview, recorded on 9th April 2018, Taoufiq talks about contemporary dance, bodies' energy, and empathy...
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‘100 pas presque’: A reportage

As a participant in ‘100 pas presque’, Claudia Selmi writes here about her own experience of the first part of the workshop (7-12 April 2018), led by Taoufiq Izeddiou and Said Ait El Moumen in Bologna, Italy.
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Theatre and ‘politicality’: Reflections

The International Conference “Theatre Between Politics and Policies: New Challenges”, which took place in Belgrade between 23rd and 25th March 2018, highlighted the multidimensional role of theatre within society. Our researchers were there.
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The Sound
of ZimmerFrei

About urban myths, the sound as a creative representation, and the desire to understand each other. An interview with ZimmerFrei.
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Talking about "Les Sans"

Interview with Pierre Etienne, a well-known artist and cultural animator in Liège, who came to present to the students taking part in the Atlas of Transitions workshops a show entitled “Les Sans” at Théâtre de Liège.
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The WALL book

Walls are ambivalent objects: they protect, divide, defend, and separate. From 'The WALL book', con-fine edizioni
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Interview with Loup Blaster

Loup Blaster, Louise, talks to Le Channel scène nationale de Calais about 'AL HURRIYA الحریة - Freedom - Liberté', her animated short film about the life of migrants in Calais.
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We are all sunflowers

Interview with Xhuljano Brisku. Graduated at the Tirana Art Academy, Xhuljano, as a ‘Sunflower’ assistant production director, shares his impressions and feelings about the public’s reception of the representations that took place in December 2017 in the city of Elbasan and in Cërrik, in the district of Elbasan, Albania.
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Portrayal of Cërrik, Albania

Those who return must face great challenges to reintegrate within society as well as into the economic life of the country. Usually, the returnees exhibit identity issues as they do not really know where they belong to and often feel they are at the crossroads, between staying and leaving again.
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Portrayal of Via Libia Bologna, Italy

When we asked Abraham to show us an important place from his personal map of the city, he had no doubts: "The bridge of Via Libia", answered - "Actually, under the bridge of Via Libia".
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Backa Teater, Premise

Even the younger migrants left their homes, their families and friends, with the hope of finding a future in Europe. We thus want to tell a tale of hope and accomplishment and empower them while focusing on their experiences, as they are masters of their fate, in the face of the obstacles they met to achieve a new life in Sweden.
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Yakub and other stories

In October 2014 Yakub, together with Cantieri Meticci, took part in the first edition of Sabìr, the festival about culture and citizenship in the Mediterranean region. There, he told us the story of his journey towards Italy, a ‘story in the frame’, which has then become the monologue of this video-interview.
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