
International Summer School Call

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From 9th to 14th June 2020, University of Bologna, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione and Cantieri Meticci will host the International Summer School Performing arts and migration. Theories and Practices for Inclusive Cities at Arena del Sole Theatre in Bologna (Italy). 

Call to participate for max 30 people: Master students, PhD graduates and researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds, artists, activists, professionals in NGOs/third sector and cultural organizations, administrators and policy makers.

About the Summer School
The summer school offers an interdisciplinary course on international migration, performing arts and public space. The aim of the Summer School is to discuss theoretical frameworks, methodologies and artistic practices focused on the role of performing arts in becoming spaces of resistance, activism and creative intervention in the public space about migration and diversity. Involving world-wide scholars, artists, institutions and collective experiences, the course will offer an overview on the role played by performing arts in developing alternative imageries on migration, spaces of urban participation, collective memory and aesthetics of subversion. Classroom lessons, lessons, good practices presentations, artistic performances, roundtables, open lectures, classroom project works and field works/visits will be offered in this 5-day intensive summer school, for a full-immersion on how creativity and intercultural exchange can sustain more welcoming and inclusive cities.

The classes will be held in English.  

Tuition Fees
150 euro, which includes the access to the summer school program + 5 lunches and the welcome cocktail. In specific cases, grants will be available to cover the fee of the summer school, lunches and accommodation.

How to apply
Send your CV and a motivation letter (max. 300 words) to: info@atlasoftransitions.eu 
Specify if you apply for a grant.

The deadline for submitting applications is 29 February 2020. Participants will be informed of acceptance by 22 March 2020.


photo courtesy: Enrico De Stavola from the performance "Unleashing Ghosts from Urban Darkness" by Alessandro Carboni