
2nd exchange meeting

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Cultures cross the road in the Praga district of Warsaw. Creating new ways of dialogue. 

The 2nd partners' exchange meeting took place at Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw from 26th to 29th October 2019, with the participation of theatre directors, curators, artists and scholars from France, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Albania and Sweden. The meeting coincided with the Atlas of Transitions festival organised by Powszechny Theatre in the same period. Located on the eastern side of the Vistula River, the theatre hosted three days of active sessions for the artistic and financial managers who work in each partner institution to look into the accomplishments and challenges that arose in terms of organisation, logistics and audience participation during the projects they conducted in their cities. The project partners could present their completed activities, collect feedbacks, and discuss future calendars of events for the last year. 

To conclude each day was an event hosted in line with the project's main themes such as the performances 'Lawrence of Arabia', 'Damascus 2045' and 'New Territory' Live VR. In addition, the partners participated in an interactive lecture on hate-speech and Polish media organised by the Centre of Migration Research, an occasion to confront different cultural perspectives and ways to narrate issues related to immigration in Poland. 

This was also the occasion for Motus Terrae director Spyros Andreopoulos to move around the various theatre spaces with the aim of interviewing artists involved in Atlas of Transitions, for the next issue of the Focus section, which will be published in 2020.